This brings me to an interesting point. The Jewish trait is carried and transmitted by the mother or woman. I have no doubt that this was to deter "looting" of women by raiders. An invader was less likely to capture and have children with women if that woman also transmitted religion along with her genes.
In the Muslim religion, the religion is transmitted by the father. Possibly because when the religion went evangelical and promoted the religion by baptism by the sword, all the raping that went along with the raiding meant more Muslims. Call it baptism by insemination rather than by birth.
So Obama, being the son of a practicing Muslim would have been born a Muslim. However, he converted to Christianity at some point in his youth. Was he baptized? I don't know. But let's assume he was baptized by the Baptist church which is the basis of the church he joined with Rev. Wright as the leader. So would one call him a Muslim? Not if he adapted Christian dogma, was baptized and accepted Christ as his personal savior. That should be it. So why are people running around saying that Obama is a Muslim?
It's his actions. He spends a lot of time catering to Muslims. For example, he supports a Mosque being built near the wreckage of the Twin Towers but doesn't support the granting of a permit to rebuild a Christian church that was destroyed as part of the destruction. He made trips to the mideast with the so-called "Apology Tour" and has recently sent Imam Rouf on a state department paid mission to Muslim countries to raise funds for the Mosque to be built near ground zero. In addition, he has held talks with Muslim leaders, celebrated Ramadan while ignoring the National Day of Prayer and ordered the new NASA head to "reach out" to Muslim nations so they can feel good about their contributions to the general body of science we use to launch into space. All in all, he's bending over backwards to cater to Muslim interests in the world. Maybe he thinks this will make us safer because if they like us, they won't attack us. Who knows? It's possible that Obama doesn't even know. But he's shown a remarkable penchant for supporting those he thinks have been "done wrong" by the West. In that sense, he's anti-Western in many of his statements and his acts. We have a serving president who doesn't really like the country he is president of and is using all of his power to change it into something he thinks he will like.
Unfortunately, most of the rest of the people in that country don't seem to agree with him and are looking for anything to explain his actions. If he were a Muslim - which is fine with me - so be it. Religion shouldn't matter even if the president is from a minority religion like Mormon or Catholic or Judaism or Buddhism, etc. But we are again drawn to Obama's actions. If he isn't a closet Muslim, he is, at very least, a supporter of Muslim causes and therein lies the rub. See, a president is prohibited by the constitution from promoting any one religion over another. The government can't give money to religions or allocate funds for religious development like the building of churches, synagogs, pagodas or mosques. His and the state departments funding of Rouf is unconstitutional because it requires tax payers to fund religious activities without their consent. The congress nor the president cannot reallocate funds to a favorite religious group because taxpayers my not want that group funded. Not only is this discussed in the constitution but in literally hundreds of supporting documents from the founders. Most of them were Christians who practiced occasionally because of proximity of religious resources. But several attended church regularly and all quoted the bible in their writings. They didn't want ANY one religion supported over any other on a national level. Several wrote that states could do so if they wanted and a state can adopt a religion but this is not recognized by the federal government.
No president has made such overt overtures to a religion in lieu of other religions. Not a single president until Obama. So why? Why is he doing this? In my mind, he doesn't belong to the Muslim faith but he does identify with it because of his father. To honor his father, he has chosen to promote Islam in as many ways as he can until he is stopped. But why isn't anyone speaking up? It's clear that Obama is a Muslim sympathizer but to call him such in America in our current atmosphere is to open oneself to the labels of intolerance and bigotry. Since most Muslims in the world are people of color, the tag of racism is not far behind. But the real bigot is Obama and it's clear by his actions.
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