Wednesday, March 9, 2011

No Fly Zone

I've been to Libya. Actually if one looks at the country name, it has similarities with Dubya, our last president. There are a lot of flies there. There're lots of camels too and camels tend to attract flies. Getting rid of them would be a daunting task indeed. Similarly with the Libyan Air Force.

Some years back, the now venerated, by the Obama administration, Chairman Mao instituted a no-fly program in China. It was every citizens duty to kill at least one fly per day. They had contests, honors and benefits for the most killed (flies) and the most diligent. Soon, there were few flies in the cities. This was, of course, preceded by the crow shoot. The reason there were so many flies was because previously, China had declared the "War on Crows." So many were killed, to protect crops, that the insect population exploded. So the great fly swat was under way. Soon, the cities were nearly fly free. Now the result of this was that fly larvae, commonly known as maggots, didn't populate in the garbage and disease ran rampant. No amount of acupuncture could help when diseases ran rampant in the garbage fills. In essence, China had established a "Fly Free Zone."

We now have the administration positing a "Fly Free Zone" in Libya. This, of course, is so totally naive as to be foolish and will be damaging in both the short and long run. Why? Shouldn't America heed the call of the UN and throw our troops in harms way at their whim? Shouldn't we do the humanitarian thing and waste the lives of our troops to stabilize the region? In a short word, no. We should do nothing.

Does this sound crass? Maybe, but read on and I'll explain. What would we be doing if we send troops into an area? We would be reinforcing the structure of a nation that may be completely the imagination of one person. I posit the country of Yugoslavia as an example. Here is an artificial country borne in the mind of Tito. To keep it whole, Tito was a brutal dictator. There are many places in the world which are nothing more than political divisions established by people who DO NOT LIVE IN THE AREA and are not of the culture.

The world in a cultural geographic sense tends to seek it's own level just like flowing water. It's one of the reasons Islam will fail as a world religion. Right now, it's all the social rage and young people flock to militant Islam because there is little else to hold their interest that has potential global impact. Many of the people supporting Islamic causes are, in fact, supporting a system that would deprive them of the rights to support a system other than Islam.

The world needs to change. It has changed since the beginning of organized societies however small to however large. To be in a position to constantly reinforce the existing structure denies the reality of people: Too much consistency and people stagnate. Societies that once had brave and challenging ideas and systems become trapped in their own success and the ideas that founded the society are sacrificed for those that keep it safe and consistent. As we demand more consistency and sameness, we sow the seeds of our own destruction.

Regardless of whether we like war or not, it is a fact of being human. Human engage in war. It's part of the nature of being human just as it is the nature of a honey bee to gather honey.

We shouldn't be involved in the effort to keep the status quo. We did it in Kuwait with the disastrous results that we now have a major presence in Iraq. Kuwait was a province broken off of Iraq and given to a monarchy because that monarchy guaranteed cheep oil to England. The only way they can defend themselves is with the threat of America coming to their rescue or with America actually sending troops to defend them. What kind of a country is that? After all, natural law kind of says you can keep what you can defend and when you can't defend it, you lose it.

So we, in my opinion, should absolutely have nothing to do with the establishment of any kind of military action in Libya. It may seem brutal but these things have a way of working themselves out. The only road a no-fly zone can lead to is one where American boots and finally bodies hit the ground.


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