Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Goldman lies and congressional lies make good theater.

Currently, the senate is investigating wall street in the form of a pillory. In the cross-hairs are the executives from Goldman Sachs. The great American wit Will Rogers used to read from the newspapers and point out the hypocrisy inherent in some of the articles. In one of the more famous, he pointed out that two black men were being tried for stealing food and they were shown shackled standing in front of the judge. On the same page was an article about two congressmen accused of stealing or misappropriating millions of dollars and they were shown wearing silk shirts.

So with something like the investigation into Goldman trading practices by congress, we are told that the people doing the questioning are above reproach. They are without sin and would never engage in questionable behavior.

Everyone on the face of the planet knows that sales people lie. Even in movies, selling anything is presented as a less than honorable profession. Similarly with politicians. The aspect of an honest politician is everyone's hope but the reality is that people expect to be lied to by politicians. The only surprised is that people are surprised when politicians lie.

So what is the purpose of this investigation? It is political theater with the end result that we end up with more government control which in reality only affects the small guy. The big guys, like Goldman, never suffer. In fact, an interesting observation can be made here: Goldman Sachs is one of the largest contributors to the democratic party and Obama in particular. So we have a government body dominated by democrats investigating one of their largest contributors. Can this be coincidence? What, in the final analysis, is the ultimate goal here? Because so many of the sources of information are based on falsehoods, how can anyone ever figure out what is going on? Well, we can't. It's that simple.

Maybe that's the game: Keep people so confused that they just don't have the time or energy to figure out an underlying truth from the facts they are given.


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