We have an interesting situation here: On one hand, America needs immigrants. It has always been our history and America is still considered the lodestone of opportunity everywhere on the planet. Nobody is sitting in the Mideast with visions of moving to China to build a future. Nobody is looking to go to Russia to build a future and in both places, general growth is profound. Both are, however, highly racist. There are no minority rights in those countries. There is no equal opportunity, government set asides or anything else to help any ethnic minority. Europe experimented with such a program to the utter failure of the whole system. So America is really the only place to go to build a life with any kind of parity with people of any other ethnic background. Sure there are assimilation problems but these get resolved over time with a few exceptions.
The fact remains that we are currently overwhelmed by the masses of uneducated hispanics who flood across our southern border. What solutions do we have? None according to every democrat and the government in general. This is a completely political decision. The democrats are banking on the possibility that if they support the invaders, these invaders will become democrats and the party will gain power and keep power. It's that simple. Take the support out of the equation and democrats would be as against the invaders as the most conservative republican.
So here's a solution or solution set: If you employ anyone who is here (Native born are exempt.) without being processed though the immigration department, you stand to lose your business and lose your business license. If anyone rents to anyone who is here without proper documentation, he loses his property. We have some exceptions:
1. If a person is sick, they need to be taken care of at least on the primary level. If a person goes to a hospital without proper documentation, they are cared for then are immediately turned over to immigration for future deportation. But health transcends many things on a humanitarian level and none should be turned away. However, endemic invasion for the purpose of accessing medical services needs to be deterred. This means a database based on profiling of illegal invaders who access the medical system.
2. If you employ a person with false ID and that person is exposed, there is no penalty. If you are found to employ or rent to people with false IDs consistently, say more than three, you lose your business or property.
3. People here on student visas get preference. Often, people come here for education and get degrees, these people often simply overstay their visa and remain hoping to find a company that will support their resident alien request. However, to avoid student visa scams, the person must graduate and file an application of citizenship BEFORE he graduates.
Until we tie the hiring and exploitation of the invaders with profit, we stand little hope of resolving the solution. Oh sure, a fence seems like a good idea and if we had a border 1/100 the size of the American/Mexican border, it may work. But do we really want to be a country surrounded by a barb-wired fence? And what happens if the invaders find a way to get to Canada and rush across the border in the north? Are we going to fence that border too?
We don't want racial profiling but it is rampant. Everyone operates from a racial basis. If anyone thinks the people supporting the invaders aren't operating from a racial basis, they are delusional indeed. Besides the biggest profiling scam is affirmative action.
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