One wonders what his aspirations are leading him towards while he is president. He will get kudos for passing the health care bill regardless of how it ends up in actuality. It's such a foggy mess that it's difficult to understand the total ramifications of the crazy thing. But that's not Obama's fault. One could say that his glazing over details in his rush to get "something" done led to supporting a proposal that might end up causing far more damage than good. But America has a history of enacting bills and laws with good intentions only to have them backfire when the reality of the bill finally struck home. Prohibition comes to mind right away but there are many others. The Cooper-Church bill seemed positive but horribly crippled our ability to conduct foreign policy.
I think that for Obama, the presidency is nothing more than a stepping stone on his path to be the leader of a world government of which America is not the shining light drawing other, less fortunate, countries to emulate but a world government where the Constitution is a quaint document that has no meaning in the current world. It seems pretty clear that he is quite willing to put America in a secondary position so that a kind of social equality based on some European idea of social democracy becomes the law of the planet rather than extending the greatness of the constitution to other countries.
I think Obama is quite willing to support the idea that something like Sharia law stands along side the idea of American democracy established by the founders. I think he views Islamic law equal with the constitution. Obama may win a second term because so few people really examine or have the time to examine what is happening to the rule of law over the rule of man in America. The idea of majority rule and minority rights has been perverted to special interest rule and government suppression of any protests.
I have friends around the world and to a person, they comment that the greatest aspect of America is the Constitution (Bill of Rights) which states quite plainly what government CANNOT do. There is no document that comes close in any other country or any other land from any time present or past and everyone who has an interest in America but is a citizen of a different country understands just how incredible this document is. Even friends in such liberal social democracies as Denmark, Belgium, Sweden and France marvel at the document drafted by the founders.
But Obama is a world citizen not an American. His view is loftier and grander in the sense of hiw own perspective of his place in the world. As he tries to make America into a European modeled social democracy, he is using forces that are antiAmerican in many ways. These forces think they are doing something nobel and great by destroying the American machine to which they attribute many of the worlds problems. It isn't uncommon to hear the statements similar to: "If we were more like Europe, more people would like us." or "Who cares if we are the leader of the world?" or "Why not try some of the same things that China does. After all, they are growing and out competing us in many ways. After all, it's not so bad in China." (The one that kills me is the willingness of Americans to abandon the space program.)
People forget that under the Chinese system, the whole idea of American justice does not exist. There is no Constitution defining limits of government but there are plenty of documents that define how people will behave under severe penalty. It's the same with the modern social democracies in Europe and to a lesser extent parts of Asia.
We are being fooled into thinking that everywhere and every country is pretty much the same and that in many places, people are substantially more free than in America. This is true in a way, they are free from thinking about government because to do so is illegal.
So as Obama leads us towards a new world where everyone is controlled by governance defined by sources outside America, one laments the death of the Constitution.
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