Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The selfish, unlawful invaders

Ok, let's have some compassion for poor and uneducated who illegally cross our borders to supposedly take jobs that no American will do. We must have feelings for these people who are just trying to better themselves. But look at it this way: These people want jobs at the expense of someone else. They are taking jobs away from people. Sure, a lot of the jobs are not so desired but they are jobs none-the-less.

We should call a spade a spade and admit that these people are selfish. They don't care about American laws or American citizens and only care about themselves. Once they are here, they demand services, representation and consideration above and beyond anything a third or fourth (Shorter or longer citizenship should not be forgotten.) generation American could expect.

For the most part, citizens who have been here a long time are taken for granted by politicians. Because they don't make noise and have rallies, they are considered powerless and useless for political purposes. The selfish get the most attention because like the spoiled brat, they make the most noise and scream the loudest until they get their way or someone pays attention to them.

We have elevated unlawful invaders to the status of immigrants and that name should be used with reverence not misused for law breakers. Soon, we will not have criminals of any sort. The reason being is that the word criminal demeans the self esteem of the class of people who resort to coercion or force to TAKE what they want from anyone else who has it.

So we can't call unlawful invaders just that, we must call them something soft and kind like undocumented workers or undocumented immigrants. This, my friends, is just wrong.


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