Thursday, July 15, 2010

Grown People Lying and Lying and Lying and Goebbels is Laughing: How Our Government is Becoming Totalitarian (Or Fascist if you will.)

I have lied. I have been drinking in bars and told some whoppers. I've also embellished factual stories to make them more entertaining. In most areas, I believe in truth but sometimes, truth is a wascally cowacter. Sometimes, truth just won't work. Take comics, for example, truth is a variable thing with comics but that kind of lying is harmless because a "factually" accurate or "true" story wouldn't entertain. Also, so-called "bar talk" is mostly lies anyway. That's what bars are for. They're in existence so the average guy/gal can go and create an alternative life full off imagination and fantasy. For a short time they can get outside of themselves and interact as role players rather than their boring selves. People mostly understand that stuff and don't place too much credence on the stories. While I admit to telling some, I have heard some than make mine seem timid by comparison. The only thing the two have in common is that they are both, in the last analysis, untrue. Does anybody really care? Would anyone make plans based on someone lying in a bar?

I was out of work one time and a guy I met said he had a job for me as a production manager at Mark VII Productions. That was Jack Webb's (Dragnet fame.) studio for those who don't know. He told me to arrive at the lot on a Thursday. There were some drinking buddies in the bar and they all congratulated me. I told them I thought it was all BS. I thought the guy was trying to be a big shot and that I called the studio and they never heard of the guy. He had a bunch of other stories that just didn't ring true and who would offer a guy in a bar a job with such responsibility without an interview and/or seeing a resume or getting some references? I told him I had never worked as a PM and he didn't seem to think that that made any difference. Anyway, I never took the offer seriously.

On Wednesday night before I was to show up for work, he strides into the bar and states that MARK VII just had a big layoff and all productions were put on hold so I would have to wait a week before I could get the job. I told him thanks, bought him a drink and said something else had come up anyway. But my friends in the bar really got hostile. They called the guy all kinds of names and were really mad that he had led me along with hopes of a job. They roughed the guy up and threw him out of the bar. I never saw him again.

Afterward, I explained that I thought the whole thing was BS anyway and gave my reasons. My buddies stated that this guy held out false hope and led me to believe that something was going to happen outside of the bar that could bring me employment and possibly a new career path. I reemphasized that I never took it seriously in the first place so I wasn't hurt by the episode. My argument concluded that the entertainment business was full of wannabes who pretend they have some influence and connections when they don't know anybody.

I met Clint Eastwood once at Paramount Studios. (I actually did meet him and the circumstances follow.) We both were driving older cars and I happened to park a car away from him. When I got out, his back was to me. I was heading to an interview to do some work on a show and as I passed, I commented that his was in just slightly better shape than mine. He laughed and turned and I recognized him. He was pretty wrinkled and that was a shocker. He said his probably had more miles. I said we should bet but I didn't want to be late for my meeting. He nodded and I walked off. That was our whole conversation. In the entertainment business, I should make the contact seem important and write that I had a conversation with Eastwood about lot transportation around the set or some such exaggeration. So I wasn't put off or offended or anything about this guy doing something like he did. I couldn't figure out why he did it but we are people and people have strange motivations. But the other guys I drank with took it far differently and that brings me to the point of my post.

Every day we are lied to by politicians. We find out from polls that Obama is unpopular and that Democrats, in general, are unpopular. But if you listen to democrat pollsters and strategists, they simply say how great everything is and it's only the republicans who are trying to thwart progress who are to blame for the perception. They look into the camera and lie. They lie to achieve a goal and that goal is to stay in power. Everybody knows they lie. Nobody thinks that politicians tell the truth and use facts in a way that makes the facts meaningless.

Maybe the ultimate game is politics which means lying. We have come to accept the best liar as the best politician. After they are elected, we get to hear more of their lies about what a great job they have done. In other words, lying has moved out of the abnormality of "bar talk" and moved into the normality of representation. We have allowed liars to lead us and, it appears, we don't just allow them, we crave them. The news channels are loaded with liars. They pervert facts to fit agenda and simply lie away. Barney Frank is an out and out liar and opportunist yet he gets elected consistently. How can such a person be viewed with any kind of credibility?

I would like to see a broadcast from any of the major stations where the facts are used to expose these lies. Here's the problem: Lying has gotten so bad and so endemic that a rational person cannot use what is said to derive any legitimate position on any subject. We are being disinformed at a level where the only "truth" we can derive is the truth of the lie. In other words, we know we are being lied to and that is all we know. We can't even discount the lie or take the opposite position because we do not have enough data to be able to put the fiction into a context. There are interrogation techniques that can be used to determine when a person is lying but knowing a lie doesn't get one closer to a truth. There is no opposite of a lie because the lie is crafted to confuse. If you believe the lie and accept it as true, you are operating from a fallacious position. The falsehood allows you to be manipulated into an intellectual position of impotence because you don't have a basis to create a sequence of ideas that will give any kind of answer to any question surrounding the subject matter being lied about.

We can't know about anything based on what we are being told by our politicians because they are liars. We have grown people lying as a business and a lifestyle and they believe we are stupid because we believe their lies. We tell our children to tell the truth but every time they listen to a politician or listen to their parents talk about politics, the subject matter of lies enters the conversation. Our kids know that politicians lie because parents tell each other and their kids that politicians lie.

We have a situation where grown people lie and want to be taken seriously. If we laugh at them and point out their lies they simply repeat the lie louder. Here are some quotes from one of the masters of propaganda: One Joseph Goebbels. See how much relates to our newscasts and commentary programs.

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the state can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the state to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state."

Think about what the administration is doing to the Tea Party movement, the BP oil spill and the situation of illegal invaders on our Southern border as a start. Then figure out where all the so-called "stimulus" money went. Why did only big business get help? Is global warming really the sole result of human intervention? Astronomers are indicating that Mars is also undergoing a warming trend which almost exactly mirrors Earth. No people on Mars at last check so where is the truth here?

"Faith moves mountains but knowledge moves them to the right place."

Get people to believe and act as if that is factual and true.

"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless on fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly -- it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over."

The Tea Party members are racists. The Tea Party has racists elements. The Tea Party promotes racism. The Tea Party racists are perverting the Tea Party message. Tea Party = Racism. Tea Party = Racism. Racism, Racism, Racism. And who is saying this? The most racist group in America: NAACP. Their initialization says it all: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. That's racist. If an organization existed calling itself National Association for the Advancement of All People, the NAACP would call them racists.

"Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play."

First you get newscasters to promote your point of view and you call on them to keep the view in front of people. It's all about the lie and getting people to swallow the lie because it is presented by people who "appear" to have no connection with the lie.

"If the day should ever come when we (Nazis) must go,if some day we are compelled to leave the scene of history, we will slam the door so hard that the universe will shake and mankind will stand back in stupefaction."

What do you think the current administration is doing? Capitalism is bad, Socialism is good. Individual achievement is bad, collective achievement is good. Individual salvation is impossible but collective salvation is good. Ideas are bad, adherence is good. Individualism is bad, group identity is good. Obama and company are changing America from a country of individual excellence into a country of group mediocrity. We are being lied to from a propaganda engine that makes Pravda (Truth in Russian) and Chinese state organs look childish by comparison. Small is sacrificed for large in a push to centralize everything. Our guarantees established by the Bill of Rights have been reinterpreted so that our guarantees are considered something akin to prosaic prose of another age. When this group is finished, we will stand agape at the wreckage they have created in the name of social justice. They will have turned the greatest nation in the world into a police state unmatched in history. And they will do it in the name of Social Justice for all. In the end, there will be no justice and we will be more isolated and apart as a nation than ever. The rift will be bigger than the Civil War over secession to preserve slavery.

Goebbels would be proud of the propagandistic use of media by so-called authoritarians who are going to tell us everything we "should" be doing as opposed to what we want to do.

How could we have come from Hippies in the '60s to Yuppies in the '80s to facists in 2008? We got there because we have become lazy. We have been educated through lies to believe that government is the only solution and that anyone not involved with government is a greedy, self-centered, uncaring parasite on the body politic. Lies, lies and more lies and we act as if they are true.

We need a revolution but one of spirit. A revolution of individuals who speak in one voice because that voice is saying the same thing: Freedom isn't just another word for nothin' left to lose. Freedom isn't free. Freedom cannot be bestowed, it can only be taken away. And, my dear readers, it is being taken away faster and more efficiently than any Communist-hating, right-wing zealot in the '50s would have believed possible.


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