Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Oh Those Pesky Leaks: Let's Find A Scapegoat? Sure. It's the Obama Administration. They're the Only Ones to Benefit from the Leak.

Wikileaks prints a bunch of leaked documents which are SitReps (Situation Reports), AA (After Action) reports, BDAs (Battle Damage Assessment)s, and other misc. documentation made during a time span that conveniently ended on January 1, 2009. There may be others that go beyond that date but they haven't been released by Wikilieaks.

If one looks through the data, one sees all kinds of reports about intel, operations, troop movements, results of IED (Improvised Explosive Devise) and DED (Directed Explosive Device) encounters. But there are also reports that show when aid was given to earthquake victims, innocents who were shot or injured during operations, innocents killed, tortured or mutilated by the Taliban and other such matters. But the clear intent was not to show what we were doing right but what mistakes were being made. I will state this again: IF WE HAD CONDUCTED WWII THIS WAY, WE WOULD BE SPEAKING GERMAN AND JAPANESE NOW.

So who released them?

The Obama administration. They're the only ones who benefit from this. In a situation where sagging polls are indicating that Obama's plan for the transformation of America into some kind of Socialist paradise is meeting resistance, the easiest thing to do is bring back something they could blame on Bush. See, Bush's plan of Counter terror where the terrorists are hunted down and killed has been replaced with Counter insurgency. There is a gross difference between the two and the TOE to accomplish the two goals is completely different as are manpower requirements. Bush wanted to kill belligerents, Obama wants to bribe them. But nation building in a place that has no concept of "nation" in the sense we, as Americans, have is not only difficult but foolhardy. So regardless of how capable our military leaders are, we don't have the political will to accomplish the goal of building a nation then educating the populace to accept what has been built for them. So with everything sagging, what's the easiest way to get attention off the failure? Bring up a ghost from the past.

Think of it like the "wave the Bloody Shirt" campaigns after the civil war. In order to divert attention from existing problems, bring up something that everyone can easily identify from something in the past. So politicians would "wave the Bloody Shirt" as a way to fire up resentment and retain office.

While the "Bloody Shirt" was used in America, it is not without precedent. Many people think that Marc Antony's eulogy was used the same way. And Hearst newspapers used the same idea in the "Remember the Maine" battle cry to get us into a war with Spain when, in reality, we could just as well have sunk the battleship moored in Havana, Cuba and certainly had more opportunity.

Why wouldn't the Obama people do the same thing? Look, the president was a community organizer who is used to extortion. He certainly extorted $20M out of BP. Community Organizers distort truth to get the objects of their ire to do what they want. For example: "If you don't fund our community center, we will boycott your company and stoke the press with all kinds of negative publicity about your company." The company may or may not have any real wrongs the company has done but that doesn't make any difference. Community Organizers have a higher calling and the end justifies the means and blah, blah, blah. . . So the tactic would be one that fits into a larger plan. In reality, the data exposed will not really hurt anyone and will not change any direction we, as a nation, are pursuing. So, in a very real sense, the logical source would be somebody from the administration. We may never know, but while Obama cries foul, he's laughing all the way to election day. It wouldn't surprise me to see more of this kind of thing released to the public in one way or another.


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