Regardless of the speaker's personal enlightenment, the audience was laughing and happy that she had "stuck it" to the white man. The initial reaction was racially based and many of her statements were racially, not financially based. Even if she did have an epiphany, the idea was put forth and accepted by the audience that decisions should be made by race. After all, the audience was made up of NAACP members attending a convention of sorts.
Why is it that we keep finding racial motives at the bottom of decisions made by Obama appointees? Why is race playing such a large part in every decision being made by this administration?
In my experience, racism can only exist when it comes from the top. Racism is not a bottom to top situation. If we find this level of racism in departments filled with Obama appointees, we know they are reflecting the feelings of their boss. If the boss didn't tolerate racism, we would hear nothing from his subordinates. There may be some minor people at the bottom who overstep their bounds and engage in racist policies but if there was policy or general feeling that the behavior was inappropriate, the people exhibiting the behavior would be fired immediately.
As it stands now, they are only brought to task after widespread exposure. What a sorry condition for our country. Obama should be censured. His administration has shown to be antiAmerican ideologues and they can only be this way if their boss supports it.
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