Thursday, June 17, 2010

$20 Billion Extortion from Obama

Obama made a name as a community organizer. My experience with community organizers amounts to meeting people who went into corporations and businesses and using all kinds of tactics to get money from them to fund special interest projects. So nobody should be surprised when Obama comes up with a solution to the BP spill that requires BP creating some kind of slush fund that Obama appointees can use as they please.

Look, $20 Billion is a lot of money and this will not be the end of the issue. There will be other lawsuits also. This fund doesn't cover everything but is simply a political pay out so democratic party functionaries can use the money as they please to fund more special interests. Will the people who have lost businesses, business opportunities and have had business plans crushed by this spill every really be compensated for what they have lost? And, more importantly, how much of this fund will end up the target of a corruption investigation?

The whole process stinks. It's time for someone to start leading from the oval office. I want Obama to step up to the position and stop posturing. The presidency isn't a job one can train for. The person who is elected either steps up and starts leading (There will always be mistakes but as things work out, the mistakes lose importance as the positive acts take over. Clinton was such a president as was Truman. Nixon had a great chance and blew the whole thing as did Carter. Reagan used the power of the office as well as anyone.) or sits back and expects things to be great simply because that person is president.

What we have now is an incompetent who is the head of a party established around the goals of special interests only. The overriding concern about America is secondary to such inconsequential issues as homosexual marriage. In a way, we are lucky that Obama is incompetent; less will get done.


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