Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obana is Incompetent and it's a good thing

When do press conferences, speeches and utterances from the white house count as leadership? The old adage that people who talk a lot about something do the least about the same thing seems to hold true. Let's take the mounting pressure by Islamic groups who use terror and other aspects of warfare to achieve their goals. We still don't have a cohesive plan to deal with this very real threat. We get sound bites and promises but no action. In the midwest, we have floods that are equal to the devastation of Katrina on New Orleans but spread out over smaller towns and a larger area and we get platitudes but no action. The BP oil spill is a disaster but what do we get from the president? Lots of speeches, pushes for draconian legislation that could lead to total government control of the energy businesses, blame passed around as freely as stimulus checks and nary a scant iota of real leadership. We get speeches, press conferences, a new energy czar, lots of blame and not a single leading act.

We have a president and an administration so involved with ideology that they are incapable of leading. A crisis is apolitical: the situations that Obama inherited are simply the situations. They weren't made worse by the prior administration even though the current one would have us believe so. The epithet "Bush/Cheney did. . . or was. . . " might fuel a bunch of democratic party slogan makers and people who have had their intellectual capacity so ossified that frozen oil moves faster but it does nothing to solve a problem.

I recently had a conversation with a person who believes everything he reads on the internet. The diatribes were flying and accusations ran rampant. Later that night, I heard democratic mouthpieces, white house spokespeople, congressmen and even the president echo these same sentiments. What in the world is going on?

After the "malaise" speech by Jimmy Carter (Another incompetent president.) people were actually hoping and wishing bad things for the country. We have the same situation today. People who have the destruction of America as a goal are treated seriously as if their opinion should be considered.

This can only happen when we have a void of leadership. Other countries are always going to be jealous of America's success because we are in competition. Chavez, Castro, Putin and others would love to see America fail just so they would feel better about their own lack of success in governing a country with growth potential on several levels. We have a president who honestly believes that the things that make America great are not an asset. He and his administration admire and emulate some of the worst dictators in history and pursue goals long shown to be chimera.

So Obama is incompetent and cannot lead or leads poorly. We should be happy in a way that he's not more effective. If he were, anti-American's would be changing our country much faster than they are currently trying to do. Please understand that we have elected a president who does not have the preservation of America and the success of the American system as his top priorities. Luckily he is incompetent and that gives us a window of opportunity to reestablish the goals of the founders and recapture the American spirit without "going back" to a dogma that is the domain of special interests.


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