Wait, wait! A picture is emerging. The first general who McCrystal replaced was also a reputed democrat. So it appears with McCrystal. It turns out that Goldman-Sachs executives were almost exclusively democrats and G-S was the largest contributor to the Obama campaign. Then we have BP, who as an oil company, donated the most to the Obama campaign. We have the banks who donated large amounts to the Obama campaign.
What do all of the above have in common? President Obama has attacked all of them with a rather unpresidential vitriol of which he should be ashamed. Oh wait, what other Obama supporter is also on the chopping block? Why, it's Blago. You know, I don't think there has been the appearance of a bloodletting like this since Stalin.
But are all these public dressing-downs just show? Is Obama so corrupt that he uses his aides to bolster his own image as a preserver and enforcer of presidential power while in reality he is making back room deals with the same people? What is going on while all this is happening?
Obama has changed the missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Obama has passed financial legislation that will, in the end, reduce America's ability to compete on the foreign market.
Obama is introducing energy legislation that will cripple America and Americans, drive the cost of energy higher and destroy the middle class along with small business.
Big business, like the banks, offshore oil, (Our $2B loan to Petrobras owned in large part by George Soros comes to mind.) foreign companies and foreign governance will become a more dominant part of American life. The Constitution which is supposed to protect us from government excesses has been rendered wall paper in an effort to reduce America to a third world country.
Look realistically at his record and how he governs and you will see a total disregard for the Constitution of which he is supposed to be a scholar. What did he do, learn about the constitution so he could find ways to circumvent it? It appears to me that we are being shown the shiny bauble while the other hand contains hand cuffs.
What goes on here?
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