Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obana's Oil speech, malaise, malaise, malaise!!!

Eighteen minutes of absolute dreck. The speech reminded me of a person who has not the foggiest idea of what to do. He simply doesn't know so he falls back on platitudes. For a guy who surrounds himself with anti-religious people, he calls on God to help us solve this problem. When do people call on God? When they have run out of options and have no idea of how to continue while still looking like they are doing something. He knows not.

This reminds me of Carter's malaise speech and it meandered and skirted real issues. Again, he doesn't know what to do. He is full of starts and has no finishes. He is out of touch with what works and how things, especially the energy industry, works.

I still can't figure out what this guy wants for the next generation other than inclusion into the mind and career killing type of socialism so prevalent in Europe.

This emperor has no clothes and can't even conjure up a good argument for nudity.

Isn't there a rational mind left in this administration? Apparently not.


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