Monday, June 21, 2010

Documentado o no!

WOW! Here we have the Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis in a video PSA oriented towards hispanic people. She states that people who work deserve fair pay. They deserve to be paid for their work WHETHER THEY ARE DOCUMENTED OR NOT. In other words, our government is going to work on behalf of illegal invaders here taking jobs away from Americans by doing what, suing the legal Americans who don't pay the illegals accordingly?

What the hell is going on? Our government is suing Arizona over their immigration law. Our government is marking out areas in Arizona, New Mexico and I imagine Texas where illegal invaders have made it impossible for American citizens to go into the areas. So what does our government do? They cede the area to the illegals and keep Americans from going there. The border area amounts to between some twelve to eighty miles. Did you blink? It's eighty miles in some places.

I have cited Korzybski a number of times because I think words are important and meaning should be clear. If we apply the rules of General Semantics to this PSA, we are being told by OUR government that illegal invaders from another country have more rights than American citizens and that land they illegally grab is theirs. It's theirs because we don't have the balls to kick the bastards out. Now, words are important and I hope my meaning is clear. We cannot continue as a Republic with this kind of politics. Our president has and is ceding American sovereign soil to invaders because he can't muster the energy to defend the country.

This is really sad and shows, I think, the absolute dearth of ideas to solve problems both domestic and foreign. I thought when he was elected that he would have some problems but that he had the chance to rise to the position. But we are being undermined by the very people who are supposed to be guaranteeing our security. ARE WE SO SELF-INVOLVED AS A PEOPLE THAT WE ARE ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN WITHOUT EVEN A WIMPER?

Our government should be doing only one thing with the illegal invaders and that is kicking them out. The old adages of give and inch and they will take a mile or the camel's nose under the tent are trite but true. We are being taxed, assessed fees and legislated against and nary an iota of representation. Oops, if you are illegally here, the government will represent you against the very citizens who elected that government.

Follow this link to see the video PSA in English and Spanish. Also, check out the other video PSAs and check out the surnames of the people. I'm all for equality but how could we have this many hispanic people leaving PSAs on the DOL website? Shouldn't there be some balance?

See my upcoming post on "The Trial of Madam Caillaux" for another view of this disaster that makes the BP spill look like salad dressing.


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